It's April! Happy April Fools Day - and it really feels like Spring out there today. That equals happiness for me.
This week I am taking part in Laura's sugar detox challenge.
In general I don't have a sweet tooth, but there is a lot of added (and often unnoticed) sugar to a lot of "healthy" things that I consume daily.
For instance, I often buy sweetened almond milk, protein bars, protein powders, nut butters, dried fruits, gels and gu's and greek yogurts to name a few and some have alarming sugar quantities.
And, I am a big abuser of "fake" sugar substitutes. Me and stevia are BFF.
It is no secret that I have been having rampant stomach issues lately and think that this could possibly help. If for nothing else - it cannot HURT me any more to see what happens.
More on workout recap and training plans for this week later on.
Hope everyone is enjoying a lovely Monday - I know I had a little extra spring (hehe) in my step this morning since it was absolutely gorgeous!
And don't fall prey to any April Fool's pranks!
So glad that spring appears to have finally arrived!!