Monday, January 20, 2014

Being a "Fitness Snob"

So I have seen other posts on this article but I finally read my issue of Women's Health to have a first hand opinion. And yes I take forever to read my magazines. 

It actually kind of irked me. 

I talk about fitness a lot. I have a blog that chronicles my running adventures. I am obsessed with Flywheel and my social life revolves around when I am taking Body Pump these days. Want to spend time with me? You should probably go to class with me. I plan out my weeks around my workouts. It's a priority. 

The signs of how to tell if you are a "snob":

1. Having a 26.2 bumper sticker - okay while I would personally never do this just because it isn't me - what the hell is the problem with being proud of an amazing accomplishment?! 

2. Wearing your Nike fuel band - okay again not me but that is because I love my gold jewelry and am more apt to wear that while working out versus a fitness band. I am also not into the Nike apps either at all so it would be pointless...but everyone is wearing fitness and activity trackers these days. Again, problem? These trackers are addictive like a game, the whole point is to motivate you to do more activity...not a bad thing in our overweight world.

3. Everything Lulu lemon - I spend a crap ton on my gear and here's the thing - if you are going to pretty much live in it why wouldn't you spend the money?! The last thing you want on an 18 miler is ill constructed clothing with seams chafing the crap out of you. And seriously if you had the underwear you would understand why they are just fabulous.  

4. Sweaty selfie - mine on Facebook is from the NYCM and like, the best picture ever. Shouldn't a profile photo capture you in your element? Again no clue what is wrong with that. It is a picture that captured my sheer joy for running. And a tad more bad ass that the smile is me at mile 23 of the marathon. 

5. In regards to Zumba okay not going to lie I am totally judgmental about it and ever calling going to class a workout. Sorry!! (And I was a dancer growing up so yes I know dancing is a workout just not MY workout).

While I get some aspects of the holier than though attitude I know at least in regards to me - that it comes from a good place. I am not trying to be a bitch it is something I am very passionate about and a really big part of my life. I feel like these days it is almost shameful to be so passionate about it and there is a lot of resentment to those who are. 

If they wanted to really go after those people that are in my opinion more "snobby" I think they could have focused the article on people who try to get you to do their workout because it is the only one (I actually discourage people from marathons if you don't like running you probably will hate it even more with marathon training!). Or rando's at the gym who interrupt your workout to talk about form or a better way to do something. Trainers have interrupted me on an easy XT or run day to point out how to do it better. Thanks but no thanks I've got it. And a coach. Or of course people who are all oh my god paleo (or low whatever, juice, if it fits your macros) or bust! 

So in my opinion their focus and the points they made were a little skewed. 

But in the end I guess I am just a fitness snob :) 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2013 Running Musings

I had been more or less just avoiding analyzing my 2013 or recapping in any sort of way when DailyMile sent the year end report.

And again I have to realize while my goals didn't pan out the way I wanted I had done oh so much.

I had a really kick ass 2012. 

I trained my way not really knowing what I was totally doing minus running all the miles to a 13 minute half marathon PR. I went from a 2:07 in the spring of 2012 to a 1:54 in my first half of the fall.

And then I consistently ran sub 2 hour half marathons that fall amidst awful stomach issues (that still haven't been resolved) capping off my fall racing with a shiny new PR 1:53 WITH a bathroom stop along the way. I was so close to going under 1:50 I could taste it. 

So I made it my 2013 goal to go after it. 

And continually failed miserably. The closest I got was 2:02 in an awful awful race

But things I did do. Run my first marathon. Then another. Oh, and then an Ultra.

So then after an awesome spring of achieving new distance PR's I figured, train my butt off for a sub 4 hour marathon. 

Again, disappointment. I got a coach, who has taught me oh so much. I seemed ready for it. 

Then the DNF at Hartford. Getting sick. Running NYCM sick and realizing that I just didn't have it in me to try and redeem myself at the end of the season at Palm Beaches. I was tired. Both mentally and physically. I just had no desire to run. The fun and want were sucked out some where along the lines of training non stop for a couple of years.

So, I decided to just not run if I didn't want to. And that is what I am doing. I have been running according to my desire. And to be 100% honest there are rarely days when I am DYING to run. That passion is yet to be totally reinvigorated. However, I am starting to try and get in some. Because maybe I am running a half marathon February 2nd and oh yeah a 10 miler this weekend. And guess what NOTHING will train you for running except running. Sorry Flywheel.

But when it all comes down to it. 2013 can be looked at as the year that I totally missed all my goals. And it stings a little. Especially given the fact that I somehow coached myself, not knowing what I do now, the previous year to times I can't even touch right now. 

Or I can look at it as the year I conquered so much. 3 marathons and an ultra and a million and a half other races. 

Depends on the day how I choose to view it. 

Regardless. I am taking a whole different approach this year. More on that later...but I sometimes wish that I could really stop being so hard on myself. I don't think that will ever change but it would be nice to give myself a break. I think I finished every marathon and within minutes didn't want to wear the medal and was just I should have done better. 

Such is life of the type A goal oriented person that I am. Can always do better. It's a good mentality because I always push myself but hard because it is really hard to please myself. I hit a goal and then think: I can do BETTER. 

So see ya later 2013. Hello to a bright new shiny year. Hopefully with some PR's thrown in there.