Just realized that I have been kind of MIA for a couple of weeks.
Still no full NYCM recap. No training updates. None of what I have been up to since.
So here is a little glimpse into the past couple weeks of my life.
I ran NYCM while feeling like shit. Complete and total shit.
I proceeded to take only two days off from training (since you know, I ran the marathon as a training run and all).
BIG SHOCK. I wound up sick for basically the next two weeks that followed. I am just starting to feel some semblance of normal... although I still feel just flat out EXHAUSTED at times for no reason.
So first up. I totally do not recommend doing that to yourself. If you wake up with a fever and shit, put yourself back to bed instead of running 26.2 miles.
But if you DO go run it. Maybe take the following day off. Me? I was in the office at 8am and had an 11 hour day the day after.
And when you do start running. Don't make the first run back a 10 miler.
Queen of Good Decisions.
I fought all urges for rest days and ran myself quite literally into the ground. 6 days after NYCM as I am running a long run with my friend...11 minute miles seemed like torture and with each passing minute felt worse and worse. I somehow made it to just under 14 miles when I wanted to die. I had nothing left in me. Major light bulb went off in my head that umm I need to not run. And maybe take a day off. You know get myself better.
So last week I took some time off. I didn't run for a full week! (lifetime for me) and to be totally honest, I did not miss it. I have drank the kool aide and am 150% in love with Flywheel and have been taking entirely too many classes and spending way too much of my money there.
That $32 a pop sure does hurt the bank account but oh how I love it.
So back to that whole training thing. Flywheel classes can totally replace actually running as training for the marathon. Right? Maybe? Just lie to me and say yes.
More confession time. I am supposed to run Palm Beaches Marathon in about 2 1/2 weeks. It is to be my sisters first marathon and I am heading back to Florida to join in the action.
I'm not entirely convinced any more that I am going to do it. I just don't know if I have another 26.2 miles in me right now. I am beat. Physically and mentally. I have checked out with running. I don't WANT to train right now and am attempting to get away with minimal in order to still be in shape enough for a marathon (although pretty sure that with only 5 weeks between them and still being highly active, no matter what I am fine).
I have nothing to prove. And I am about 99.9% sure that I am NOT going to run my sub 4 hour marathon in Palm Beach. I have proven time and again I run like shit in warm weather and am just not there at the moment physically. To beat my body up for another meh marathon, I am currently just sitting back and weighing the options of dropping down to the half.
Obviously taking into consideration if I will be disappointed etc. The good news is that I have until the day before to swap out my bib so I have some time. Until then I am going to follow through with the coaches training as if I am running it but I would be lying if I said I was actually all in and on board anymore.
Okay. I think I have babbled on enough.
I think for the first time in a while, I am not all do or die about running. And that is a reason to pause about this whole marathon coming up but as well as kind of be happy. Some times I let it consume me way too much and it is nice to not feel pressured about it right now.
I have so much going on right now and running isn't the number 1 priority. And you know, I am totally okay with that.
I am going to run on my own terms. And if I don't feel like it, I won't.
From obese to ultra marathoner, and not letting ulcerative colitis get in the way of my passion. Obsessed with running and all things sweaty. Welcome to a little bit of my life.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
NYCM - Nothing Compares
I will do a full recap later since I have a lot to say about the race but...
NYCM 2013
AKA the marathon I did not taper for and ran with a 100 degree fever - FTW!
Leading up to the marathon, it was training business as usual as this was going to be a "training run" (running Palm Beaches in December).
The week of the marathon training went a little something like this:
Monday: 75 mins XT + Lift
Tuesday: 5 miles
Wednesday: 7 miles 5 @ tempo (aka the day I started feeling sick)
Thursday: 5 miles easy
Friday: REST glorious rest
Saturday: Dash to the Finish 5K
Sunday: NYCM!!!
Total miles: 46.3
I was exhausted on Friday after work. I had planned to go home early but that never really pans out.
Saturday morning was quite the struggle to get out of bed. Thankfully I had picked up Jen's bib and HAD to go run the race. But really had no desire to do so (but super thrilled to see Jen!).
In true 5K fashion I thought I was going out slow but wound up going out with a bit of a bang and then spent the rest of the time reeling myself in for an easy 27:57 finish. (side note kind of want to race a short race some time soon...)
I actually wound up running into Jen at the finish as well and after chatting for a little bit went on our ways. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt AWFUL. Dizzy and like I was going to throw up. I couldn't get home fast enough.
I proceeded to get home shower, eat something and put myself to bed for the remainder of the day praying that I would feel better in 24 hours.
Spoiler alert, I woke up Sunday morning with a 100 degree fever and feeling like hell. Thankfully the excitement of the day helped get me up and at it.
I knew that it was going to be a tough one but it is really hard to not get pulled in to the magnitude of what was about to happen. I was running the New York City Marathon. Just awesome.
The good news, I did it! 4:29:36.
Not my best, not my worst, but surely my favorite.
Damn proud considering oh I was sick and had not tapered. And my last LONG LONG run over 16 was 9/22.
There was a lot of joy, a lot of struggle and a lot of emotion.
I am going to leave you with splits just for fun and fully recap later.
AND FYI - had NO clue what I was running until the half, I decided to just say f it to monitoring the Garmin and RUN. But intended to start slow...
Mile 1: 10:40 <-- LOOK AT HOW SLOW I DID IT!!! YES.
Mile 2: 8:50 (oops)
Mile 3: 9:27
Mile 4: 9:15
Mile 5: 9:10
Mile 6: 9:09
Mile 7: 9:05
Mile 8: 9:21
Mile 9: 9:21
Mile 10: 9:19
Mile 11: 12:22 (bathroom)
Mile 12: 9:31
Mile 13: 9:48
Mile 14: 9:57
Mile 15: 10:32
Mile 16: 12:33 (another bathroom)
Mile 17: 9:40
Mile 18: 10:35
Mile 19: 15:43 (med tent)
Mile 20: 11:08
Mile 21: 10:42
Mile 22: 10:14
Mile 23: 9:47
Mile 24: 10:27
Mile 25: 9:54
Mile 26: 9:53
Mile 27: 9:22
The splits tell the story. I felt like crap and the excitement wore off and hit me like a ton of bricks eventually. But I fought to get back on track at the end as hard as it was.
More to come. But congrats to everyone who ran on Sunday!
And leaving you with a photo that I promise shows me a LOT happier than I felt at mile 23. Hamming it for the camera!
NYCM 2013
AKA the marathon I did not taper for and ran with a 100 degree fever - FTW!
Leading up to the marathon, it was training business as usual as this was going to be a "training run" (running Palm Beaches in December).
The week of the marathon training went a little something like this:
Monday: 75 mins XT + Lift
Tuesday: 5 miles
Wednesday: 7 miles 5 @ tempo (aka the day I started feeling sick)
Thursday: 5 miles easy
Friday: REST glorious rest
Saturday: Dash to the Finish 5K
Sunday: NYCM!!!
Total miles: 46.3
I was exhausted on Friday after work. I had planned to go home early but that never really pans out.
Saturday morning was quite the struggle to get out of bed. Thankfully I had picked up Jen's bib and HAD to go run the race. But really had no desire to do so (but super thrilled to see Jen!).
In true 5K fashion I thought I was going out slow but wound up going out with a bit of a bang and then spent the rest of the time reeling myself in for an easy 27:57 finish. (side note kind of want to race a short race some time soon...)
I actually wound up running into Jen at the finish as well and after chatting for a little bit went on our ways. And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt AWFUL. Dizzy and like I was going to throw up. I couldn't get home fast enough.
I proceeded to get home shower, eat something and put myself to bed for the remainder of the day praying that I would feel better in 24 hours.
Spoiler alert, I woke up Sunday morning with a 100 degree fever and feeling like hell. Thankfully the excitement of the day helped get me up and at it.
I knew that it was going to be a tough one but it is really hard to not get pulled in to the magnitude of what was about to happen. I was running the New York City Marathon. Just awesome.
The good news, I did it! 4:29:36.
Not my best, not my worst, but surely my favorite.
Damn proud considering oh I was sick and had not tapered. And my last LONG LONG run over 16 was 9/22.
There was a lot of joy, a lot of struggle and a lot of emotion.
I am going to leave you with splits just for fun and fully recap later.
AND FYI - had NO clue what I was running until the half, I decided to just say f it to monitoring the Garmin and RUN. But intended to start slow...
Mile 1: 10:40 <-- LOOK AT HOW SLOW I DID IT!!! YES.
Mile 2: 8:50 (oops)
Mile 3: 9:27
Mile 4: 9:15
Mile 5: 9:10
Mile 6: 9:09
Mile 7: 9:05
Mile 8: 9:21
Mile 9: 9:21
Mile 10: 9:19
Mile 11: 12:22 (bathroom)
Mile 12: 9:31
Mile 13: 9:48
Mile 14: 9:57
Mile 15: 10:32
Mile 16: 12:33 (another bathroom)
Mile 17: 9:40
Mile 18: 10:35
Mile 19: 15:43 (med tent)
Mile 20: 11:08
Mile 21: 10:42
Mile 22: 10:14
Mile 23: 9:47
Mile 24: 10:27
Mile 25: 9:54
Mile 26: 9:53
Mile 27: 9:22
The splits tell the story. I felt like crap and the excitement wore off and hit me like a ton of bricks eventually. But I fought to get back on track at the end as hard as it was.
More to come. But congrats to everyone who ran on Sunday!
And leaving you with a photo that I promise shows me a LOT happier than I felt at mile 23. Hamming it for the camera!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
A couple thoughts:
I feel like straight up crap. I want stay in bed forever right now.
I am excited and scared at the same time. I haven't run more than 16 in a couple months.
But running has started to feel normal again minus that whole cold thing I have going on right now. Lungs burn running at the moment.
I have a goal but for the first time I just don't feel like talking about it. Enjoyment is first goals are second this time around.
And with that I am just going to leave you with a million pictures.
To everyone out there running tomorrow GOOD LUCK!!!!
We run this city!!
And feel free to stalk me: bib 34780
And let me know where to find you spectating on the course!!
Everywhere. You cannot escape this marathon.
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