Well, I still haven't written up my last race, The Falling Leaves Half Marathon...but I am more motivated to write about today's race than reverse back to that at the moment so...it's to come (maybe!).
This trail race was a combo 30K and 50K. Basically it didn't matter what you signed up for, everyone was to be scored for the 30K and if you went on to 50K well then, yay!
Leading up to it, I planned on 30K as I haven't run more than 13 miles in a couple of months. 18ish miles was doable but probably challenging and 31 I couldn't imagine reaching where my training is at. I just planned to run and give it what I had.
Weather was cool, and the ultra atmosphere at the start is very low key, an aspect of these races I really enjoy. There were just over a 100 people registered and I was happy that I knew quite a few people. The community of runners is very small!
The course itself was about 60% trail and 40% pavement. I have to say I actually was not enjoying the pavement portions. The trail was mostly very runnable, but did have a few climbs that would stop you. I was surprised to see my pace dip into the 8's quite a bit. The more loops I did the more confident I was in opening up my stride. Of course plenty of sections and rocks and roots to check you but it was nice to get that rush of speed.
I felt a lot better than I thought I would. I finished the 30K not really tired nor worse for the wear, and a bit sad that it was over. My hip flexors and hamstrings were a little achy but at that point I was 19 miles in and that is kind of par for the course.
So with some peer pressure I decided to just go for another lap (they were about 5K or so each, ultra world course measuring is very official, or not lol).
I spent that lap knowing I was probably reaching mileage territory that I shouldn't. Even though my body was feeling about what it should for the race, I knew I wasn't trained for what I was doing and with some sadness decided I would check myself and not continue with the 3 more laps to the 50K.
Years of running and racing have taught me well. Just because I CAN do something doesn't mean I should. And I am pretty convinced it is why I don't get injured. Minus Crohn's disease related set backs, I have not been injured. Could I have done 9 more miles? 100% not a doubt in my mind but end of the day best to walk off feeling good and happy with my performance and knowing I can go run some miles tomorrow.
On another note, I threw in a rookie move that could have backfired and wore new shoes and was lucky that they were amazing! The Saucony Nomad TR. If anyone needs a trail shoe try them. Light weight, 4mm drop, and super comfy. PSA over but had to mention it.
Overall, just a great day and 10/10 would do it again!
And I can't wait to return to Alley Pond Park and hit the trails again soon. So happy it is only a couple miles from home.
From obese to ultra marathoner, and not letting ulcerative colitis get in the way of my passion. Obsessed with running and all things sweaty. Welcome to a little bit of my life.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
Monday, October 31, 2016
Fort Totten Trot - 5K - 22:39 ***
I decided to race a 5K this weekend a couple weeks out from my half to get an idea of where my speed was at. For me, I do some of my best work in races. I am pretty competitive and will often push myself harder in a race environment than I will during a speed workout.
I was coming into the race not exactly rested. I did a tough bootcamp the day before and an 8.6 mile long tempo the day before that. Also the course is very hilly it is in the army base at Fort Totten. I ran the 5K the year before – plus it was where my July ultra was. It is a lot of up and down. This year they changed the course and race timers and had it USATF certified (or so they said…).
I was able to get in 3.5 miles to warm up prior – the race was in my town so I planned to sandwich it into my long run. My legs didn’t feel great on the run so knew it was going to be a hard day.
It is on the small side, and would only be timed by gun time so I lined up near the front. My goal was 100% to PR – which meant going under 25 mins.
The race took off to an immediate down hill. I went entirely too fast down it which you know is the way to go in a 5K, trash the legs immediately! It was followed but a longer up hill and then another downhill until we got to the flat path way to the water front.
Within a mile, honestly even less, my legs were completely shot.
My motivation? A young girl, probably 9-10 who was keeping pace.
There was a cone turn which killed any momentum (I think I audibly groaned as we went around) at about 1.5 miles. I knew that would be the only way to turn but it still sucks.
Then we went back into the Fort and it was uphill for about .5 miles.
Totally over the race at this point. I knew I was fading but just tried to keep moving and powering my arms.
Finally got a bit of reprieve with some flat, a short slightly downhill slope and then a turn and uphill before flat to the finish.
My goal was to not let a woman who I eyed as about my age pass me. And mission accomplish, by maybe a second.
I love this pic of us all coming into the finish. The man was coaching his daughter in (and running our pace like it was a walk in the park)!
I saw the time on the clock and was immediately in shock. Then I also realized I hadn’t heard my watch beep for mile 3.
The result – all of us showing that the course was just shy of 3 miles.
Considering my goal was to come in under 25 minutes and I came in at 22:39 – totally bummed. Especially considering they said it was certified. I don’t know who bungled that up but it is really disappointing.
All things going I would have come in 23:xx which would have been a massive PR. I left it out there. I was completely done at the end.
But, this was the first time a race course has been really under for me.
I did get a 3rd place AG so that was nice (although I won it last year with a MUCH slower time!).
Goal now is to find another 5K – that is flat because that was really punishing!
Who else has dealt with this? I was proud of my time and posted my official results and felt a bit guilty like I needed a disclaimer – but end of the day it’s not my fault about the course but, I am not using this as my PR I don’t feel that is justified.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
October Update!
Hello! I just realized it has been almost a month since I have written a post!
I even ran in the rain, wind and cold on Saturday morning and enjoyed it! Or well I enjoyed the satisfying brunch that came after ;)
Not that that is totally unusual but made me realize the new job and such has been eating up a LOT of my time and in my down time I am being a total bum. I go days without checking up and reading others blogs either. Just no time for that!
So what has been going on?
First work. Holy cow. This is the toughest job I have had. Moved up position wise and also am in a totally new area of media then throw in the learning curve of a massive company and I am fried - but loving it! I can't believe I am just about 2 months in! Also, they are very in touch with creating a solid work environment. Please see last week - they brought in puppies (adoptable!!) to one of our happy hours (also very big on these!).
Health wise, fingers crossed but I was at my hematologist last week and looks like my blood levels are already improving. I still feel exhausted but I think mentally I need to stop thinking it is medical and realize work, plus training, plus seasons changing (aka all the darkness) are having an effect.
On the running front, dropping down from the marathon was 150% the BEST decision. It is freeing to not have to plan every weekend around those LONG LONG runs. I am still running long - 12ish miles for the long run on the weekend - but not having to fuel and being able to keep it under 2 hours has been good for me. I have moments of FOMO but then am like do I want to go run 18 miles...nope. The feeling dissipates.
I'm excited to get out there and race. I do think that I am capable of running a solid race and if the cards line up coming close to a PR (1:53). But I am not in a it must happen or all hope is lost mode. I'm doing the work, varying the runs, paces and taking a full day of recovery and time will tell.
I did toy the past 3 weeks with dropping my running days from 5 to 4. I still hit 30 miles by making one run an 8-9 miler during the week in which I do speed work in the middle. I like the higher midweek miles and also hitting paces in the midst of longer runs but to be honest kind of like running 5. And, my legs do not feel ANY more refreshed dropping a day. So this week may add back in one. What can I say, I love my running high and bootcamp just feels better with a few miles of recovery after.
I am also loving fall temps. Ugh. It has been amazing. Cooler weather + running = heaven. Plus being able to be lazy on the weekend mornings and NOT set an alarm to zero dark thirty like in summer or risk dying in heat and humidity = fabulous!
I even ran in the rain, wind and cold on Saturday morning and enjoyed it! Or well I enjoyed the satisfying brunch that came after ;)
And that is about all for now! I am signed up for a 5K this weekend and excited to see what kind of turnover I have. Should be a good little speed prep to see where I am at. I always do way better if a race is on the line and would love to avg below an 8:00 pace for this race but we shall see!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Changing Plans
Why hello there! Happy fall :)
The past 3 weeks have basically just flown by.
I began a new job, which is both awesome, and pretty challenging.
I am working in social media which is a totally new space for me going from live TV production and have been thrown in and trying to navigate. It doesn't help that their fiscal year end is the end of this week. Trial by fire for sure!
But forget work let's talk running!
Earlier this year I decided to throw a marathon back into the mix and registered for Philly. I hadn't run one since being diagnosed with Crohn's, and when it came down to it, had never run or trained for a marathon while healthy. I wanted to see what my body could actually do at 100%.
Then I decided to run an Ultra in July which meant ramping up a training cycle for that.
Basically by this time this year I have been in serious training for several months.
I returned from Europe refreshed but tired. Then I found a job within a week and had one week of down time. In that down time I was just tired. I couldn't figure it out. I thought maybe my body was just craving the M - F routine and when work began I would feel normal.
But I didn't. And then I got my blood work back. Turns out that even though I am not flaring, my iron levels have plummeted again (ferritin 3 and hemoglobin 8). Kind of explains everything. Hello my old friend anemia.
And I began thinking of how I was a) over training for a marathon and b) didn't feel like running myself ragged TRYING to train for another marathon. So I took a weekend off from a crazy long run. And then had the opportunity to go to Seattle the following weekend and only ran 8 miles for my long run.
I started toying with just saying no to running Philly and have until the 30th to switch to the half if I am inclined.
And moral of the story if you have made it this far is that I think I am.
At this point in my running life I have run several marathons. I wanted to run one totally healthy. My iron infusions probably won't get me back to normal for 6-8 weeks and with my work schedule can't go for another until late October. I have absolutely nothing to prove to myself in running a marathon (I mean I did just do it in July). And the exhaustion from my normal training routine and a high pressure job (that I love and want to excel and focus on) is way more important.
I am 99% positive that come Friday I will be dropping down.
Which is to say that I still plan on running a few half marathons this fall. I LOVE the half distance. Going out for a 10 mile run is 100% doable. I don't need to fuel or worry about any of that and it doesn't wipe me out like the 20 milers will.
In the end my health and sanity are more important and training and a possible mediocre marathon are just not what I want.
I think my body is just saying I was over ambitious and if I do run one (with a goal time like I want), I need to not have a crazy long aka 6 month training cycle.
So that is where I am not. I spent a couple weeks trying to figure out if I was taking an easy way out and in a way, yes I am. I am choosing to not be even more exhausted than I am on a normal basis. Cutting down about 10-15 miles a week is a big help!
So there you have it. Fall marathon is out. And I am okay with that.
The past 3 weeks have basically just flown by.
I began a new job, which is both awesome, and pretty challenging.
I am working in social media which is a totally new space for me going from live TV production and have been thrown in and trying to navigate. It doesn't help that their fiscal year end is the end of this week. Trial by fire for sure!
But forget work let's talk running!
Earlier this year I decided to throw a marathon back into the mix and registered for Philly. I hadn't run one since being diagnosed with Crohn's, and when it came down to it, had never run or trained for a marathon while healthy. I wanted to see what my body could actually do at 100%.
Then I decided to run an Ultra in July which meant ramping up a training cycle for that.
Basically by this time this year I have been in serious training for several months.
I returned from Europe refreshed but tired. Then I found a job within a week and had one week of down time. In that down time I was just tired. I couldn't figure it out. I thought maybe my body was just craving the M - F routine and when work began I would feel normal.
But I didn't. And then I got my blood work back. Turns out that even though I am not flaring, my iron levels have plummeted again (ferritin 3 and hemoglobin 8). Kind of explains everything. Hello my old friend anemia.
And I began thinking of how I was a) over training for a marathon and b) didn't feel like running myself ragged TRYING to train for another marathon. So I took a weekend off from a crazy long run. And then had the opportunity to go to Seattle the following weekend and only ran 8 miles for my long run.
I started toying with just saying no to running Philly and have until the 30th to switch to the half if I am inclined.
And moral of the story if you have made it this far is that I think I am.
At this point in my running life I have run several marathons. I wanted to run one totally healthy. My iron infusions probably won't get me back to normal for 6-8 weeks and with my work schedule can't go for another until late October. I have absolutely nothing to prove to myself in running a marathon (I mean I did just do it in July). And the exhaustion from my normal training routine and a high pressure job (that I love and want to excel and focus on) is way more important.
I am 99% positive that come Friday I will be dropping down.
Which is to say that I still plan on running a few half marathons this fall. I LOVE the half distance. Going out for a 10 mile run is 100% doable. I don't need to fuel or worry about any of that and it doesn't wipe me out like the 20 milers will.
In the end my health and sanity are more important and training and a possible mediocre marathon are just not what I want.
I think my body is just saying I was over ambitious and if I do run one (with a goal time like I want), I need to not have a crazy long aka 6 month training cycle.
So that is where I am not. I spent a couple weeks trying to figure out if I was taking an easy way out and in a way, yes I am. I am choosing to not be even more exhausted than I am on a normal basis. Cutting down about 10-15 miles a week is a big help!
So there you have it. Fall marathon is out. And I am okay with that.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Summer is Winding Down
I cannot believe that it is September. I really feel like this year has flown by and summer was gone in a blink (but not those summer temps, they are still holding strong).
But the good news is, I have a job! I kind of lucked out in that I had an interview set up for a job I really wanted, interviewed and two days later got the offer.
I begin on Monday which was also nice. I was able to work out a full week and then some before starting so that I could enjoy some time stress free. There is not working with a new job ahead and then not working with the stress of job hunting looming.
I was lucky in that I had the financial capabilities to not work for a while but really wanted to. I landed a gig that is going to be both challenging and is a fantastic step up professionally. Pretty much a win, win. I am also working freelance so as of now only signed on for 3 months (also something I wanted).
So that is what is up on the job front.
Running has been going pretty well. Both of my long runs back from Europe have gone really well. Last week there was a break in humidity and I had a fantastic 16 miler.
At the same time, I am having some anxiety and trepidation about running a marathon. I don't have any crazy goals (looking to PR which is breaking 4:26) but at this point I am still feeling unprepared and like it is a daunting task.
Good thing I have more than 2 months of training left! (but really...still that long?!).
So that is basically what is going on right now.
I'm ready to get back into routine. I dawdle with getting out the door in the mornings, since I usually don't have much of an agenda and crave the structure that work gives.
I also have been doing entirely too much shopping. My lululemon obsession has gone berserk. There was a reason I had never bought anything prior to a few months ago. I KNEW this would happen. But if anyone wants a recommendation buy these shorts immediately. And this sports bra. And this tank. Ugh. So much love. And, all on sale.
You're welcome! :)
But the good news is, I have a job! I kind of lucked out in that I had an interview set up for a job I really wanted, interviewed and two days later got the offer.
I begin on Monday which was also nice. I was able to work out a full week and then some before starting so that I could enjoy some time stress free. There is not working with a new job ahead and then not working with the stress of job hunting looming.
I was lucky in that I had the financial capabilities to not work for a while but really wanted to. I landed a gig that is going to be both challenging and is a fantastic step up professionally. Pretty much a win, win. I am also working freelance so as of now only signed on for 3 months (also something I wanted).
So that is what is up on the job front.
Running has been going pretty well. Both of my long runs back from Europe have gone really well. Last week there was a break in humidity and I had a fantastic 16 miler.
At the same time, I am having some anxiety and trepidation about running a marathon. I don't have any crazy goals (looking to PR which is breaking 4:26) but at this point I am still feeling unprepared and like it is a daunting task.
Good thing I have more than 2 months of training left! (but really...still that long?!).
So that is basically what is going on right now.
I'm ready to get back into routine. I dawdle with getting out the door in the mornings, since I usually don't have much of an agenda and crave the structure that work gives.
I also have been doing entirely too much shopping. My lululemon obsession has gone berserk. There was a reason I had never bought anything prior to a few months ago. I KNEW this would happen. But if anyone wants a recommendation buy these shorts immediately. And this sports bra. And this tank. Ugh. So much love. And, all on sale.
You're welcome! :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Back in NYC!
As sad as it is for an amazing trip to end, I am pretty happy to be in one place and back at home!
This summer has been a roller coaster.
Mid July my job finally ended (for those who don't know my company closed so after 3.5 years my job that changed me career wise was over).
Then I was hired to freelance at both the RNC and DNC so spent two weeks on the road.
Then I jetted off to Europe for three weeks! I spent the bulk of my time in Croatia then went on to Italy and Spain on my own. I will plan to recap but in a nutshell...trip of a life time.
Until then just a little preview.
Basically how we spent our days. Sailing to an island, dropping anchor, and jumping in the Adriatic. |
Our boat crew on the Split Kiss! |
Italy! I was just captivated the entire time. |
Sangria in Barcelona. Enough said. |
So now, I am back.
Jobless, but not stressing as I have some things in the works. I am lucky enough to be okay for a long while and am toying with continuing the freelance route or going full time. We shall see where the cards fall in due time.
And, back to the grind with marathon training. I was SO active on vacation (averaged 12-15 miles running/walking every day) but never ran more than 9 or so sooooo my first long run back should be super fun!
Sunday, July 31, 2016
BUS Pajama Romp 6 Hour Race
Well a week later seems like a perfect time to do a recap!
I haven't had a moment to read a blog in the past couple of weeks let alone right my own blog post. I finished my job at Al Jazeera America on 7/15 and then 7/18 headed off to the RNC (I was hired as a freelance production manager) then come home run the race then head off to DNC. So whirlwind is the only description I have for the past few weeks.
I signed up for this race for more or less one reason: it was in my town. There is not much opportunity for me to have a race so convenient so before I could really think about it, I had registered.
Then the reality sunk in. I just signed up for a 6 hour race at the end of July. I don't run well in the heat.
The week before they started sending out the emails - due to it being the hottest predicted day of the year there would be no "place" finishes. They strongly discouraged anyone taking it seriously. They weren't going to call it a fun run but they threatened to strip people of bibs that didn't take the heat and humidity seriously. If you looked like you should be stopped and weren't they were taking away liability. So yay!
Add to this I was running around RNC all week prior and was lucky to have 5 hours of sleep a night - I was SO looking forward to it.
And hot it was. I had an upset stomach all morning and was concerned for that but honestly I wasn't racing this. I planned to walk when needed and my goal was to finish 26.2. Considering I usually do that in under 4:30 I thought it was a safe bet.
My sister came to run and we arrived at the race ready to go. One of us taking selfies the other listening for instructions ;)
The whole race was very laid back. They literally gathered the group (I don't know how many people maybe 150?) gave some instructions then herded us towards the start line.
My sister is a faster runner than myself but we ran the first few loops together.
The course was a 1.3 mile loop that you ran until either you were finished running or 6 hours ended. My goal was to just move for 6 hours.
I know some people may find the concept batty but I love loops and especially in the weather was nice to have the aide station every 1.3 miles. No holding water bottles or fuel. I would grab a drink or slice of watermelon etc each lap.
Eventually though I started to feel over fueled. I stopped sweating a lot and within 2 hours knew I had to slow down.
The course was also extremely hilly. Up and down. There were barely any straights so lets just say it wasn't easy on the legs. The downfall of the loops was the unevenness which took a toll on the left side of my body. My hamstring and hip were cranky within 3 hours.
But we got some lovely views (Throgs Neck)
I didn't listen to music once the entire 6 hours. I made friends and everyone just encouraged one another walked and ran laps with new people.
By 4 hours in I felt really really crappy. There was a lot of walking. I stopped and sat in my chair for a while. Changed shoes and socks. Then my sister found me again and we continued on for a while together.
The course got so dark. There wasn't much light and it was eerily quiet. Plus, there weren't many people - a lot had dropped off already so very much alone at some points.
Then my sister started to feel like crap. She thought she was going to be sick and I had to go run back to the start then run the loop around to bring here cooling towels and a bottle of water, so I had to hustle my butt off. (tmi coming) she threw up and then felt like a million bucks which was amusing.
At this point we were at about the 5:30 mark and I looked at my mileage and was determined to at least finish 26.2. So we began running. I felt really good. And was really damn determined. We got to the start area and my team's coach was there (I joined a running team Quicksilver Striders!) and we now were down to 12 minutes until 6 hours - I knew I had to at least get another lap in so I took off. I don't know where it came from but I ran the fastest I had all day.
See splits here: 10:01, 11:05, 12:36, 10:05, 12:09, 10:54, 12:17, 13:04, 10:29, 12:51, 12:30, 14:37, 10:44, 12:55, 15:06, 14:15, 12:17, 15:25, 18:45, 17:59, 21:03, 23:21, 12:03, 19:13, 11:03, 8:37, 8:47 (!!!)
And then it was done.
This may have been the slowest "marathon" I ran but holy hell. Hard. The course was hard, the conditions were awful and I am so happy I did it!
We quickly forgot how hard and brutal it was and enjoyed a slice of pizza and a beer.
I definitely recommend looking into BUS (Broadway Ultra Society) events. The people were great and it was very well organized. Plus the "ultra" environment is so different than the typical race one. Overall I was happy to make it out in one piece!
I then enjoyed the most glorious Sunday where I challenged my fitbit to have the least amount of steps that I ever have.
Due to all the walking I did - recovery was definitely pretty easy but I didn't really run run until Friday. I did a lot of walking at DNC and Tuesday ran a couple miles but it wasn't until Friday that I ran 7 and felt pretty normal.
Now I have a couple days before I head off to Europe for 3, yes 3 weeks!!!! I still have Philly Marathon which is the ultimate goal and will have to figure out running while away but honestly it is not going to be the focus. Exploring Croatia, Italy and Spain are and am sure I will find the opportunity to run...minus when I am sailing for a week ;)
I haven't had a moment to read a blog in the past couple of weeks let alone right my own blog post. I finished my job at Al Jazeera America on 7/15 and then 7/18 headed off to the RNC (I was hired as a freelance production manager) then come home run the race then head off to DNC. So whirlwind is the only description I have for the past few weeks.
I signed up for this race for more or less one reason: it was in my town. There is not much opportunity for me to have a race so convenient so before I could really think about it, I had registered.
Then the reality sunk in. I just signed up for a 6 hour race at the end of July. I don't run well in the heat.
The week before they started sending out the emails - due to it being the hottest predicted day of the year there would be no "place" finishes. They strongly discouraged anyone taking it seriously. They weren't going to call it a fun run but they threatened to strip people of bibs that didn't take the heat and humidity seriously. If you looked like you should be stopped and weren't they were taking away liability. So yay!
Add to this I was running around RNC all week prior and was lucky to have 5 hours of sleep a night - I was SO looking forward to it.
And hot it was. I had an upset stomach all morning and was concerned for that but honestly I wasn't racing this. I planned to walk when needed and my goal was to finish 26.2. Considering I usually do that in under 4:30 I thought it was a safe bet.
My sister came to run and we arrived at the race ready to go. One of us taking selfies the other listening for instructions ;)
The whole race was very laid back. They literally gathered the group (I don't know how many people maybe 150?) gave some instructions then herded us towards the start line.
My sister is a faster runner than myself but we ran the first few loops together.
The course was a 1.3 mile loop that you ran until either you were finished running or 6 hours ended. My goal was to just move for 6 hours.
I know some people may find the concept batty but I love loops and especially in the weather was nice to have the aide station every 1.3 miles. No holding water bottles or fuel. I would grab a drink or slice of watermelon etc each lap.
Eventually though I started to feel over fueled. I stopped sweating a lot and within 2 hours knew I had to slow down.
The course was also extremely hilly. Up and down. There were barely any straights so lets just say it wasn't easy on the legs. The downfall of the loops was the unevenness which took a toll on the left side of my body. My hamstring and hip were cranky within 3 hours.
But we got some lovely views (Throgs Neck)
I didn't listen to music once the entire 6 hours. I made friends and everyone just encouraged one another walked and ran laps with new people.
By 4 hours in I felt really really crappy. There was a lot of walking. I stopped and sat in my chair for a while. Changed shoes and socks. Then my sister found me again and we continued on for a while together.
The course got so dark. There wasn't much light and it was eerily quiet. Plus, there weren't many people - a lot had dropped off already so very much alone at some points.
Then my sister started to feel like crap. She thought she was going to be sick and I had to go run back to the start then run the loop around to bring here cooling towels and a bottle of water, so I had to hustle my butt off. (tmi coming) she threw up and then felt like a million bucks which was amusing.
At this point we were at about the 5:30 mark and I looked at my mileage and was determined to at least finish 26.2. So we began running. I felt really good. And was really damn determined. We got to the start area and my team's coach was there (I joined a running team Quicksilver Striders!) and we now were down to 12 minutes until 6 hours - I knew I had to at least get another lap in so I took off. I don't know where it came from but I ran the fastest I had all day.
See splits here: 10:01, 11:05, 12:36, 10:05, 12:09, 10:54, 12:17, 13:04, 10:29, 12:51, 12:30, 14:37, 10:44, 12:55, 15:06, 14:15, 12:17, 15:25, 18:45, 17:59, 21:03, 23:21, 12:03, 19:13, 11:03, 8:37, 8:47 (!!!)
And then it was done.
This may have been the slowest "marathon" I ran but holy hell. Hard. The course was hard, the conditions were awful and I am so happy I did it!
We quickly forgot how hard and brutal it was and enjoyed a slice of pizza and a beer.
I definitely recommend looking into BUS (Broadway Ultra Society) events. The people were great and it was very well organized. Plus the "ultra" environment is so different than the typical race one. Overall I was happy to make it out in one piece!
I then enjoyed the most glorious Sunday where I challenged my fitbit to have the least amount of steps that I ever have.
Due to all the walking I did - recovery was definitely pretty easy but I didn't really run run until Friday. I did a lot of walking at DNC and Tuesday ran a couple miles but it wasn't until Friday that I ran 7 and felt pretty normal.
Now I have a couple days before I head off to Europe for 3, yes 3 weeks!!!! I still have Philly Marathon which is the ultimate goal and will have to figure out running while away but honestly it is not going to be the focus. Exploring Croatia, Italy and Spain are and am sure I will find the opportunity to run...minus when I am sailing for a week ;)
Monday, June 20, 2016
Let the Marathoning Begin!
This fall it will be 2 years since my last marathon and after thinking I really had no intention of returning to the distance this year, apparently I will be.. and sooner than later!
I took the plunge and registered for the Philadelphia Marathon. After tossing around between that, Indianapolis Monumental and Richmond; I decided that proximity and the late nature of the marathon (read: cold temps pretty much guaranteed) won me over.
Yup, it is real!
And because I am a sadistic idiot, I signed up for an ultra marathon in July.
I am going to use the term ultra very loosely here. I have absolutely no goals.
Okay, that is a lie. My goal will be to run at least a marathon over those 6 hours, anything over that will be a bonus.
I couldn't help myself. The race is pretty cool. It is from 5pm - 11pm and over that 6 hours you run as many 1.3 mile loops as you can/want. Bonus it is about a mile from where I live so I felt obliged. I looked at past results and people do anything from 15 - 40+ (lol no just no).
I have a very solid base already as I have kept up long runs even when not in training. I am ramping up for the race since it is in oh about 5 weeks. I did a very solid and awesome 15 miles this past weekend after 13.5 the one prior. Given it isn't like a true marathon - I assume plenty of stopping, walk etc. I think I will be fine.
Philly training will continue on after that. I will most likely take a couple down weeks depending on how I feel and reduce the mileage before gearing back up.
It is all a loose plan really at the moment - and quite frankly I am most likely going to continue this laid back training approach through this cycle.
I have no lofty goals for the fall marathon. I have never run one being healthy before (read: always dealing with Crohn's even when I didn't know it). So I am hoping the health I have right now continues on to then.
My PR is 4:26 and I think I am capable of much better, definitely in the low 4's. I have set a goal half marathon for about a month prior to that in a hopeful PR attempt as well.
I know I have gotten faster and usually after a summer training season more speed develops so excited to see what happens!
Now here is hoping that I continue to enjoy the long runs as much as I did my 15 miler this weekend (it was amazeballs).
Have I mentioned just how enjoyable long runs are when you do not pay attention to pace? I embrace going slower than slow and goodness it is so much better.
PSA: do not be afraid to go slow! I ran this at a 10:45 pace and the next day did a progression run where my last mile was 7:30.
And that's all for now!
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Running Recovery Weeks
Hello there!
This post is brought to you from the glory of being in the office on a Saturday.
As most know my company is closing down and I am the Project Coordinator for the decommission which means fun things like closing down facilities and being a master of logistics!
I should note that I put this work day on myself since I managed this process. I planned on taking Friday off to not totally lose the full weekend but work had other plans and I couldn't.
Anyways back to the post.
So my spring race season has come to a close and I must say it was pretty successful!
I ran 3, count them 3 half marathons! My spring goal was to get sub 2 and see where I was at for setting a PR this year and happy to say, mission accomplished at the first one!
Overall I ran: 1:58:13, 2:04:13 and 2:00:32 which I am happy with.
I also mixed in a 10K the week after my sub 2 half and to my surprise, I PR'd!
Then I was also signed up for an NYRR 4 miler. My sole purpose was that my NYRR pace was 10+ per mile which is clearly not my race pace. It is based off my 4:59 NYCM I ran in 2014 with my Crohn's flare + stress fracture. Needless to say, not a reflection of my current state!
To my surprise I PR'd that as well!
This all leads me to the past couple of weeks.
After some serious racing and training, I was done. I had neglected cross training and weight training for a while during the race season and needed to back off the running and reset.
I have had a glorious couple weeks of backing down the mileage. I think I ran 10 miles last week and this week am over that but still below my 30+ I usually hit.
Not only does it feel good to tone down the running but it has given me the opportunity to dig in to a lot of other workouts.
I recently bought the weights for Les Mills Body Pump and have invested in their on demand all I can say is I am loving it so far! And that my body is sore in all new ways.
I will post more on that soon but I am enjoying home workouts more than I thought I would.
While I may run some shorter races over the summer months I am not focusing on another race until the fall. I have yet to determine what will be my goal half but safe to say I will be giving my PR (1:53:14) a run in a few months time!
For now, it is all about focusing on building strength, especially core which I am being more diligent about and just sustaining my base of running fitness. I will probably still run a few times a week and keep a longer run on the weekend since that is the norm for me but I don't plan on a structured schedule (although to be honest when I trained for spring season it was a very "loose" schedule but it worked - see PR's and hitting goals ;)
It really is good though to step back from running a lot (I haven't had a significant down week in over a year!) and focus on some other forms of workout. This will all make me a stronger runner down the line!
Now off to hopefully finish up overseeing this move out and enjoying SOME of Saturday!
Happy weekend!
This post is brought to you from the glory of being in the office on a Saturday.
As most know my company is closing down and I am the Project Coordinator for the decommission which means fun things like closing down facilities and being a master of logistics!
I should note that I put this work day on myself since I managed this process. I planned on taking Friday off to not totally lose the full weekend but work had other plans and I couldn't.
Anyways back to the post.
So my spring race season has come to a close and I must say it was pretty successful!
I ran 3, count them 3 half marathons! My spring goal was to get sub 2 and see where I was at for setting a PR this year and happy to say, mission accomplished at the first one!
Overall I ran: 1:58:13, 2:04:13 and 2:00:32 which I am happy with.
I also mixed in a 10K the week after my sub 2 half and to my surprise, I PR'd!
Then I was also signed up for an NYRR 4 miler. My sole purpose was that my NYRR pace was 10+ per mile which is clearly not my race pace. It is based off my 4:59 NYCM I ran in 2014 with my Crohn's flare + stress fracture. Needless to say, not a reflection of my current state!
To my surprise I PR'd that as well!
This all leads me to the past couple of weeks.
After some serious racing and training, I was done. I had neglected cross training and weight training for a while during the race season and needed to back off the running and reset.
I have had a glorious couple weeks of backing down the mileage. I think I ran 10 miles last week and this week am over that but still below my 30+ I usually hit.
Not only does it feel good to tone down the running but it has given me the opportunity to dig in to a lot of other workouts.
I recently bought the weights for Les Mills Body Pump and have invested in their on demand all I can say is I am loving it so far! And that my body is sore in all new ways.
I will post more on that soon but I am enjoying home workouts more than I thought I would.
While I may run some shorter races over the summer months I am not focusing on another race until the fall. I have yet to determine what will be my goal half but safe to say I will be giving my PR (1:53:14) a run in a few months time!
For now, it is all about focusing on building strength, especially core which I am being more diligent about and just sustaining my base of running fitness. I will probably still run a few times a week and keep a longer run on the weekend since that is the norm for me but I don't plan on a structured schedule (although to be honest when I trained for spring season it was a very "loose" schedule but it worked - see PR's and hitting goals ;)
It really is good though to step back from running a lot (I haven't had a significant down week in over a year!) and focus on some other forms of workout. This will all make me a stronger runner down the line!
Now off to hopefully finish up overseeing this move out and enjoying SOME of Saturday!
Happy weekend!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Queens Half Marathon Recap
Another week, another race!
Sunday I ran my 3rd and final half marathon of the spring season, the Queens Half Marathon. It was hard to turn this one down since there are not often half marathons close to me, but man am I looking forward to not running another for a while!
This was again put on by NYCRuns, who I clearly prefer to race with.
I woke up Sunday morning definitely not feeling well. Saturday my stomach had been feeling upset and unfortunately by Sunday was not much better. I was a little happier though knowing there were restrooms on the course.
Because of that I barely choked down water and some dry cheerios on my way there before my stomach was all sorts of grumbly again. I spent some significant time in the porto potties, crossed my fingers and headed to the start a few minutes before it was time.
It was an absolutely beautiful day but I have been in this running thing long enough to know that starting a half marathon underfueled and dehydrated isn’t exactly ideal.
I had no goals for this race. My spring goal was to get back to sub 2 shape since I hadn't broken 2 hours since fall of 2012 (which happened at Frozen Penguin).
I was coming off a normal training load having run 20 miles for the week already with 1 rest day on Saturday. I knew to not expect anything stellar but just go with it.
The race begins and per usual I do not look at my watch until the first or second mile. I missed mile 1 but at mile 2 saw I was running under 9 min mile pace so start to think about going for another sub 2 effort. Problem was I felt every bit of effort. I knew from the start this wasn’t going to be an “easy” day where the miles click. I was working for it too early on, but kept it up, that is racing right?
As we were coming up to the half way (it was a 2 loop course) I knew I had to ease up. My legs were shot already; not really pleasant when you have only finished half the race! I knew I had time in the bank to take it easy for a few. I started taking in water at the half way and walked through the stops each time. My fingers were so swollen I knew I had to hydrate.
I was using the course signage, not when my watch was beeping for the mile markers. I had estimated with 5 miles to go that even if I just kept a 9:30 pace I would be sub 2.
With 2 miles to go, I was ready to be done so picked it back up.
I still thought I was on track.
Then I hit the mile 13 marker, my watch beeps at the same time for mile 13. My time is 1:58 and change I am like .1 to go I am golden. Then I look in the distance, the finish looks REALLY far away.
Well, it was. From that mile 13 marker to the finish was .27 miles.
Which put me in the finish at 2:00:32.
Which is a very good time considering I'm not rested, I’ve raced most weekends and my stomach was very much bleh the whole time (but didn't have to stop! it's amazing this whole Crohn's being in remission thing, IBS sucks, but is a whole different and easier level of stomach issues to deal with).
However, I know I could have come in under 2. I am not saying the course is “long” but I’ve run enough to know not to go by garmin but by mile markers. Tangents are hard to run 100% correct. So I did. I did my calculations at the mile markers so thought for the entire race I was golden. To have the 13 mile marker a quarter mile from the finish, not cool. Also means the others mile marks on the course were off a bit.
In the end, what does this mean? Absolutely nothing. I wasn’t racing for time, it wasn’t a PR race. But, I had decided to not phone in the race and run a sub 2, so I was working out there. And, I had more, as my splits here show:
8:57, 8:51, 8:45, 9:00, 8:45, 8:52, 9:21, 9:24, 9:30, 9:22, 9:27, 8:57, 9:10, 8:11 (.27)
I was able to quite efficiently drop back the pace for the last couple miles and could have done it sooner, but thought I was okay.
Sigh. In the end half marathon number who knows what in the books and this made me hungry to work for a PR this fall!
Now, I sign off on race season having run several as most people are starting! A possible 5 miler by me this weekend but I am pooped!
Sunday I ran my 3rd and final half marathon of the spring season, the Queens Half Marathon. It was hard to turn this one down since there are not often half marathons close to me, but man am I looking forward to not running another for a while!
This was again put on by NYCRuns, who I clearly prefer to race with.
I woke up Sunday morning definitely not feeling well. Saturday my stomach had been feeling upset and unfortunately by Sunday was not much better. I was a little happier though knowing there were restrooms on the course.
Because of that I barely choked down water and some dry cheerios on my way there before my stomach was all sorts of grumbly again. I spent some significant time in the porto potties, crossed my fingers and headed to the start a few minutes before it was time.
It was an absolutely beautiful day but I have been in this running thing long enough to know that starting a half marathon underfueled and dehydrated isn’t exactly ideal.
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Blue skies for days! |
I had no goals for this race. My spring goal was to get back to sub 2 shape since I hadn't broken 2 hours since fall of 2012 (which happened at Frozen Penguin).
I was coming off a normal training load having run 20 miles for the week already with 1 rest day on Saturday. I knew to not expect anything stellar but just go with it.
The race begins and per usual I do not look at my watch until the first or second mile. I missed mile 1 but at mile 2 saw I was running under 9 min mile pace so start to think about going for another sub 2 effort. Problem was I felt every bit of effort. I knew from the start this wasn’t going to be an “easy” day where the miles click. I was working for it too early on, but kept it up, that is racing right?
As we were coming up to the half way (it was a 2 loop course) I knew I had to ease up. My legs were shot already; not really pleasant when you have only finished half the race! I knew I had time in the bank to take it easy for a few. I started taking in water at the half way and walked through the stops each time. My fingers were so swollen I knew I had to hydrate.
I was using the course signage, not when my watch was beeping for the mile markers. I had estimated with 5 miles to go that even if I just kept a 9:30 pace I would be sub 2.
With 2 miles to go, I was ready to be done so picked it back up.
I still thought I was on track.
Then I hit the mile 13 marker, my watch beeps at the same time for mile 13. My time is 1:58 and change I am like .1 to go I am golden. Then I look in the distance, the finish looks REALLY far away.
Well, it was. From that mile 13 marker to the finish was .27 miles.
Which put me in the finish at 2:00:32.
Which is a very good time considering I'm not rested, I’ve raced most weekends and my stomach was very much bleh the whole time (but didn't have to stop! it's amazing this whole Crohn's being in remission thing, IBS sucks, but is a whole different and easier level of stomach issues to deal with).
However, I know I could have come in under 2. I am not saying the course is “long” but I’ve run enough to know not to go by garmin but by mile markers. Tangents are hard to run 100% correct. So I did. I did my calculations at the mile markers so thought for the entire race I was golden. To have the 13 mile marker a quarter mile from the finish, not cool. Also means the others mile marks on the course were off a bit.
In the end, what does this mean? Absolutely nothing. I wasn’t racing for time, it wasn’t a PR race. But, I had decided to not phone in the race and run a sub 2, so I was working out there. And, I had more, as my splits here show:
8:57, 8:51, 8:45, 9:00, 8:45, 8:52, 9:21, 9:24, 9:30, 9:22, 9:27, 8:57, 9:10, 8:11 (.27)
I was able to quite efficiently drop back the pace for the last couple miles and could have done it sooner, but thought I was okay.
Sigh. In the end half marathon number who knows what in the books and this made me hungry to work for a PR this fall!
Now, I sign off on race season having run several as most people are starting! A possible 5 miler by me this weekend but I am pooped!
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Run for the Parks 4M Recap
Let me just start with work is getting in the way of my social media use. My network officially shut down Tuesday (I still have a job though for 3 months as we decommission the US offices) and it is BUSY. How do people spend time on social media that work full time?!?! I literally have not opened Instagram all week.
Anyways enough of that. Figure a quick race recap is in order since I ran myself a new 4 mile PR on Sunday!
I signed up to run this race purely for the fact that my NYRR pace was a 10:07 or something with the new system taken from my miserable 2015 NYCM that I ran with a stress fracture and Crohn’s flare. I do not run NYRR races much anymore because I don’t like paying to run in Central Park (especially those prices) and they are always crowded. But the new pace on file made me mad and I wanted to redeem myself.
Insert Sunday, race morning I get my period (sorry TMI) and my stomach hurts, it is freezing and I am so NOT in the mood to race.
Central Park was pretty though!
Anyways I meet Beth and her coworker Eric there and they jump into my corral, J, since I refuse to try and push forward, hashtag am unable to be dishonest. As we are waiting I was just very blah about trying to race, my legs were numb from the cold!
About 17 minutes after the first people started we were FINALLY off.
I immediately take off around the outside knowing I will have to weave this whole race. I don’t know what it is but something about crossing that mat puts me into competitive mode even when not feeling it.
Anyways I knew I was off and getting into a good groove.
Mile 1 including Cat Hill done: 8:09
I see that split and that I am under PR pace and that motivates me.
Mile 2: 7:58
I almost jumped for joy when I saw that. First time in a race splitting under 8! I knew we were coming to the rolling hills so I was glad to have banked some time.
Mile 3: 8:29
Ugh those hills. That is all. I gave it my best and rode the pain of pushing.
I took advantage of the downhills as much as possible and it paid off.
Mile 4: 7:51 (!!)
And just like that BOOM. 45 second PR. 32:47
I would like to note that I ran 4.05 by my Garmin (obviously I was weaving and passing people the entire race starting so far back) and that .05 was 6:29 pace! Hello legs, speedier than I thought capable.
Overall, thrilled. A week post half marathon, and PR’ing. My running is improving, I feel like I am doing everything right with my training. I also have gotten very good at pushing during races. My motto with races is just to go for it. Worst case, I blow up and slow down. But if you don’t try you will never know. Stop letting what your watch pace says effect what your body is telling you to do.
AND a lovely new NYRR pace. Mission accomplished!
Anyways enough of that. Figure a quick race recap is in order since I ran myself a new 4 mile PR on Sunday!
I signed up to run this race purely for the fact that my NYRR pace was a 10:07 or something with the new system taken from my miserable 2015 NYCM that I ran with a stress fracture and Crohn’s flare. I do not run NYRR races much anymore because I don’t like paying to run in Central Park (especially those prices) and they are always crowded. But the new pace on file made me mad and I wanted to redeem myself.
Insert Sunday, race morning I get my period (sorry TMI) and my stomach hurts, it is freezing and I am so NOT in the mood to race.
Central Park was pretty though!
Anyways I meet Beth and her coworker Eric there and they jump into my corral, J, since I refuse to try and push forward, hashtag am unable to be dishonest. As we are waiting I was just very blah about trying to race, my legs were numb from the cold!
About 17 minutes after the first people started we were FINALLY off.
I immediately take off around the outside knowing I will have to weave this whole race. I don’t know what it is but something about crossing that mat puts me into competitive mode even when not feeling it.
Anyways I knew I was off and getting into a good groove.
Mile 1 including Cat Hill done: 8:09
I see that split and that I am under PR pace and that motivates me.
Mile 2: 7:58
I almost jumped for joy when I saw that. First time in a race splitting under 8! I knew we were coming to the rolling hills so I was glad to have banked some time.
Mile 3: 8:29
Ugh those hills. That is all. I gave it my best and rode the pain of pushing.
I took advantage of the downhills as much as possible and it paid off.
Mile 4: 7:51 (!!)
And just like that BOOM. 45 second PR. 32:47
I would like to note that I ran 4.05 by my Garmin (obviously I was weaving and passing people the entire race starting so far back) and that .05 was 6:29 pace! Hello legs, speedier than I thought capable.
Overall, thrilled. A week post half marathon, and PR’ing. My running is improving, I feel like I am doing everything right with my training. I also have gotten very good at pushing during races. My motto with races is just to go for it. Worst case, I blow up and slow down. But if you don’t try you will never know. Stop letting what your watch pace says effect what your body is telling you to do.
AND a lovely new NYRR pace. Mission accomplished!
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ladies First Half Marathon Recap
It's a week later...better late than never, right?
Going into this race I had no race plan. My goal for the spring was to get back to sub 2 for the half and see where I was to PR in 2016 (need to beat 1:53:14).
And well, I got that sub 2 a few weeks before so was content knowing that I am in that shape.
I am in the throws of some medical stuff, and awaiting results to find out if I need surgery for another GI issue, SMA syndrome (unrelated to Crohn's I have just hit the crappy GI system jackpot!). While we wait on that I had to go off of my medication which had been helping with my IBS (seriously my gut sucks). Anyways because of that I really didn't plan on racing. I have another half marathon in a week so figured I would use it as a training run and if I felt good then go for it.
My sister was running the race too (and PR'd the HELL out of it without trying running an amazing 1:49!) and am happy that she mentioned bringing a hat, because with the steady rain that began 5 minutes before the start I was so damn happy to have one. I have never run with a hat before but now am wondering why I didn't all these years.
We started running and honestly the rain wasn't too bad. I had to make a stop in the first mile realizing that I hadn't double tied my sneakers. Nice rookie mistake!
This is the same course that I ran a few weeks prior. That first out and back I was basically right on the cusp on the 2 hour mark. When I hit mile 5 I had two options. I could try and pick up the pace for sub 2 or I could ease up. I choose the latter. My stomach was in knots and I just wasn't feeling running hard. When I ran the 1:58 the pace felt good. To hit it for this race was going to be real work.
I don't even know how many half marathons I have run but I have totally lucked out, this was the first time I have ever had to race in the rain. There is something badass about it but at the same time after an hour or so it just gets old! I was definitely over this race around mile 8. I kept picking up the pace but then my stomach would hurt and I would have to slow down. The last few miles it was a toss up between wanting to speed up and finish and not wanting to put forth the effort that required!
I was drenched, I was wearing shorts and a tank and it was all just soaked. The last few miles of a half can be challenging but it took all my willpower to keep on going.
Final time: 2:04:13
Splits: 9:08, 9:15, 9:09, 9:10, 9:09, 9:21, 9:28, 9:15, 9:31, 9:29, 10:00, 9:53, 9:35, 9:04
As you can see at mile 5 I decided to ease up. And miles 11 and 12 where I was over the whole race thing, haha.
I was happy that I had the foresight to bring plastic bags and a trash bag to put my bag in during bag check. I was frozen and sopping wet and dry clothes were so welcome.
Overall, per usual, a great race by NYCRuns. I really enjoy only having a few hundred runners. Next week I am running the Queens Half and if my legs are feeling good I think it might be another good time to try for a sub 2. I am also thrilled that there are bathrooms on the course! These past two half marathons do not have any so that messes with me. I typically hold back out of the fear of running hard and needing a pit stop.
Until the next one!
Going into this race I had no race plan. My goal for the spring was to get back to sub 2 for the half and see where I was to PR in 2016 (need to beat 1:53:14).
And well, I got that sub 2 a few weeks before so was content knowing that I am in that shape.
I am in the throws of some medical stuff, and awaiting results to find out if I need surgery for another GI issue, SMA syndrome (unrelated to Crohn's I have just hit the crappy GI system jackpot!). While we wait on that I had to go off of my medication which had been helping with my IBS (seriously my gut sucks). Anyways because of that I really didn't plan on racing. I have another half marathon in a week so figured I would use it as a training run and if I felt good then go for it.
My sister was running the race too (and PR'd the HELL out of it without trying running an amazing 1:49!) and am happy that she mentioned bringing a hat, because with the steady rain that began 5 minutes before the start I was so damn happy to have one. I have never run with a hat before but now am wondering why I didn't all these years.
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Waiting in the rain for the start. |
This is the same course that I ran a few weeks prior. That first out and back I was basically right on the cusp on the 2 hour mark. When I hit mile 5 I had two options. I could try and pick up the pace for sub 2 or I could ease up. I choose the latter. My stomach was in knots and I just wasn't feeling running hard. When I ran the 1:58 the pace felt good. To hit it for this race was going to be real work.
I don't even know how many half marathons I have run but I have totally lucked out, this was the first time I have ever had to race in the rain. There is something badass about it but at the same time after an hour or so it just gets old! I was definitely over this race around mile 8. I kept picking up the pace but then my stomach would hurt and I would have to slow down. The last few miles it was a toss up between wanting to speed up and finish and not wanting to put forth the effort that required!
I was drenched, I was wearing shorts and a tank and it was all just soaked. The last few miles of a half can be challenging but it took all my willpower to keep on going.
Final time: 2:04:13
Splits: 9:08, 9:15, 9:09, 9:10, 9:09, 9:21, 9:28, 9:15, 9:31, 9:29, 10:00, 9:53, 9:35, 9:04
As you can see at mile 5 I decided to ease up. And miles 11 and 12 where I was over the whole race thing, haha.
I was happy that I had the foresight to bring plastic bags and a trash bag to put my bag in during bag check. I was frozen and sopping wet and dry clothes were so welcome.
Overall, per usual, a great race by NYCRuns. I really enjoy only having a few hundred runners. Next week I am running the Queens Half and if my legs are feeling good I think it might be another good time to try for a sub 2. I am also thrilled that there are bathrooms on the course! These past two half marathons do not have any so that messes with me. I typically hold back out of the fear of running hard and needing a pit stop.
Until the next one!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Spring Fling 10K Recap
Another week, another race!
I had this on my radar but it was the post half marathon euphoria that sealed the deal for registering.
I spent the week between the half and this race running easy. I did run 4 times Monday through Thursday and took Friday as my rest day per normal. All of my runs were very easy - 10+ mile pace with some added pick ups one of the days just to get some turnover.
I was up super late (for me) Thursday and Friday because, March Madness, and when I woke on Saturday I questioned why on earth I signed up.
My PR was set on the same course in November with a time of 53:52 8:48/mile pace - I knew on a good day yes I could beat that but just wasn't motivated - and had run a half 7 days prior.
I decided this time around to take my medication that helps with my stomach spasms. So I took that then ate a honey stinger waffle before I left. I had a solid 2.5 hours before the race and decided since I didn't know what to expect that it was as good a time as any to test it out!
To tell just how not committed to "race" I was - I wore leggings. I do NOT race in tights, I wear shorts and a tank even when it is 30 out. (I would later regret them as they were falling down part of the race).
I was greeted at Roosevelt Island by some brisk but lovely race weather.
I had about 45 minutes to spare so I got my bib and used the bathrooms without waiting. I then basically sat hanging out until about 10 minutes before when I pinned my bib, dropped my bag, and went to the start line. (again, I love how these are not the NYRR production).
I tried to get in the middle of the pack but people are ridiculous about where they line up. The girl next to me had never run 6 miles before. Really? then MOVE BACK. Ugh. I don't want to be the jackass lining up aggressively but it gets old that slower folks move up when not corralled.
A couple minutes after 9:30 we were off! I had my garmin but when I run/race lately I have gotten extremely good at not paying attention to it. I was dodging people to get in a groove for the first 1.5 miles or so. When I looked down at my Mile 2 split I realized I was below my PR pace and feeling good. I decided to go for it. Worst case, I blow up and slow down but would regret not taking the opportunity.
The course is two loops which I like. I try to get into a steady pace the first 5K and then drop it for the second. I finished the first feeling good and started to try to get more aggressive on the pace. I was passing people and happy as can be. I also had my headphones in but should note I never turned on my music.
I have come to love that race feeling, embracing that comfortably hard run and knowing I am RACING, pushing myself. By mile 4 I was starting to feel the effort. I let myself ease off for several seconds at a time but kept telling myself less than 20 minutes left, keep it up! I also realized if I kept at the pace I was going to PR which motivated me.
Pain train definitely started at mile 5. I was just seriously focused on the end at this point.
The unfortunate part of this course is I always overrun. Last time by .2 and this time turned out by .14 - there are a lot of turns and such which makes it harder so my garmin was beeping well before the mile markers that second loop which didn't really help my wanting to be done.
The final .2 involves a 180 degree turn around a cone then an uphill I was dying to be done!
And then FINISHED. With a 1:20 PR.
Not to sound braggy but I am SO proud of myself and how I have finally gotten back to running well. And faster than ever! On not really recovered legs and dealing with a lot of health issues I am setting new PR's.
Here are my garmin splits: 8:41, 8:16, 8:22, 8:03, 8:11, 8:14, 8:06
The mile 1 pisses me off (because of the slower runners that started up front) but I will just look at it as holding me back from blowing up. My mile 4 was close to being sub 8! I really had no idea how fast I was running. I was just trying to be below an 8:40 pace.
And negative split the crap out of that - a 16 second per mile drop from lap 1 to lap 2. Just how I wanted it.
My training has been so consistent, and I've overcome my fear when racing of playing it safe. I cannot do anything about my stomach issues for the most part; I will deal with Crohn's the rest of my life but my mental game has gotten very strong which makes me happy.
Excited to see what the rest of 2016 brings me!
I had this on my radar but it was the post half marathon euphoria that sealed the deal for registering.
I spent the week between the half and this race running easy. I did run 4 times Monday through Thursday and took Friday as my rest day per normal. All of my runs were very easy - 10+ mile pace with some added pick ups one of the days just to get some turnover.
I was up super late (for me) Thursday and Friday because, March Madness, and when I woke on Saturday I questioned why on earth I signed up.
My PR was set on the same course in November with a time of 53:52 8:48/mile pace - I knew on a good day yes I could beat that but just wasn't motivated - and had run a half 7 days prior.
I decided this time around to take my medication that helps with my stomach spasms. So I took that then ate a honey stinger waffle before I left. I had a solid 2.5 hours before the race and decided since I didn't know what to expect that it was as good a time as any to test it out!
To tell just how not committed to "race" I was - I wore leggings. I do NOT race in tights, I wear shorts and a tank even when it is 30 out. (I would later regret them as they were falling down part of the race).
I was greeted at Roosevelt Island by some brisk but lovely race weather.
I had about 45 minutes to spare so I got my bib and used the bathrooms without waiting. I then basically sat hanging out until about 10 minutes before when I pinned my bib, dropped my bag, and went to the start line. (again, I love how these are not the NYRR production).
I tried to get in the middle of the pack but people are ridiculous about where they line up. The girl next to me had never run 6 miles before. Really? then MOVE BACK. Ugh. I don't want to be the jackass lining up aggressively but it gets old that slower folks move up when not corralled.
A couple minutes after 9:30 we were off! I had my garmin but when I run/race lately I have gotten extremely good at not paying attention to it. I was dodging people to get in a groove for the first 1.5 miles or so. When I looked down at my Mile 2 split I realized I was below my PR pace and feeling good. I decided to go for it. Worst case, I blow up and slow down but would regret not taking the opportunity.
The course is two loops which I like. I try to get into a steady pace the first 5K and then drop it for the second. I finished the first feeling good and started to try to get more aggressive on the pace. I was passing people and happy as can be. I also had my headphones in but should note I never turned on my music.
I have come to love that race feeling, embracing that comfortably hard run and knowing I am RACING, pushing myself. By mile 4 I was starting to feel the effort. I let myself ease off for several seconds at a time but kept telling myself less than 20 minutes left, keep it up! I also realized if I kept at the pace I was going to PR which motivated me.
Pain train definitely started at mile 5. I was just seriously focused on the end at this point.
The unfortunate part of this course is I always overrun. Last time by .2 and this time turned out by .14 - there are a lot of turns and such which makes it harder so my garmin was beeping well before the mile markers that second loop which didn't really help my wanting to be done.
The final .2 involves a 180 degree turn around a cone then an uphill I was dying to be done!
And then FINISHED. With a 1:20 PR.
Not to sound braggy but I am SO proud of myself and how I have finally gotten back to running well. And faster than ever! On not really recovered legs and dealing with a lot of health issues I am setting new PR's.
Here are my garmin splits: 8:41, 8:16, 8:22, 8:03, 8:11, 8:14, 8:06
The mile 1 pisses me off (because of the slower runners that started up front) but I will just look at it as holding me back from blowing up. My mile 4 was close to being sub 8! I really had no idea how fast I was running. I was just trying to be below an 8:40 pace.
And negative split the crap out of that - a 16 second per mile drop from lap 1 to lap 2. Just how I wanted it.
My training has been so consistent, and I've overcome my fear when racing of playing it safe. I cannot do anything about my stomach issues for the most part; I will deal with Crohn's the rest of my life but my mental game has gotten very strong which makes me happy.
Excited to see what the rest of 2016 brings me!
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