Sunday, February 17, 2013

That Oh So Good Sore Feeling

Man, I feel between work and my workouts this past week that by the time I got home Friday night it felt like I had been in a knock down drag out fight and just wanted to crawl into bed. 

Which I did.

Without dinner, that is how beat I was.

Work has just been slight insanity as Friday was the last day I will be in the office until the 26th or 27th, I will be in Indy (yay?) working for the next week. So attempting to pull myself together to avoid having to go in on the holiday Monday and actually ENJOY the 3 day weekend as I have no official weekend until March. (that sounds outrageous, haha, but I'm only working through one weekend, I will live, plus it will be fun). 

And workouts...yes let me just say - I was playing with kettle bells on Tuesday as my cardio for my morning lifting session and then Wednesday did a killer leg day - using my weights that I was using prior to marathon training...and perhaps I should have eased in a little more to it. 

Holy. Soreness. 

But want to know what was amusing to me. It felt better to be running than it did to be walking/sitting/standing.

I had to go up and down a flight of stairs about a billion times on Friday and was laughing at the pain (that sounds sadistic - it was because I was walking pathetically slow) especially since I was wearing heels. 

I woke yesterday fully intending to spin/lift/run but was in general feeling on the verge of getting sick and decided to take a rest day; you know since I haven't been building any in to my weekly workout schedule. Oops. My Friday rest has turned into spin and Monday cross train is now a 6ish mile run usually...Rest does a body good. Noted. 

So now sitting here debating my run length for the day. I plan on getting in some good mileage between today and tomorrow...but then I looked at this mornings forecast...

And I laughed a little. Now okay I can man up, kind of, to run in the 20's outside. However the wind is also 15-20 mph. And I run along the Hudson. Officially tapping out of this and taking it to the treadmill. So it will be a test of how long I can last. Might be 12 miles and might be 6.

I should also note that I have not done a run longer than 7 miles since the marathon 3 weeks ago and have a (goal) half in 5 weeks. I think that I am fine but a part of me is anxious as if I will not be able to run 10 miles right now. Ridiculous but I should get out there and log a long one...

Tomorrow I will hit the streets. 


Happy Sunday and long weekend (if you have one..)


  1. It was SO cold today, I didn't get out there either.

    That Boromir picture is great. I love that meme :) And I love being sore!!

  2. I *REALLY* like that sore feelin after a good workout with weights. It makes me feel like I did something! haha! Happy Long weekend girl!
