If you know me, then you know that I am the last person that usually needs motivation to get out the door and get my workout on.
During the week I am often doing workouts before and after work (split usually around class schedules and not wanting to spend 2+ hours at a time working out). Managing my time around my social life and it works for me. I am usually out of the apartment from 6am or so until 9pm but for me that is normal and I like routine.
Lately however, once the weekend hits, I am BEAT (more mental than physical). I wake up Saturday morning (inevitably at the crack of dawn thank you internal alarm clock) but just CANNOT motivate to get myself out of bed. I play games in my head...bribe myself with get out now and a mani pedi will happen this afternoon, a massage, frozen yogurt, pancakes, shopping - anything! but alas I just do NOT want to. I've even bailed on races because I cannot peel myself from under the covers. The thought of going on a long run does nothing for me. So usually I just wind up negotiating with myself that I will take body pump and do a shorter run and long run on Sunday.
Only problem with that is that as of late, Sunday turns into a big fat fail as well. I've managed to log SOME but honestly this spring I've only done a handful of double digit miles. I ran the NYC Half pretty well considering I lagged in that department and the plan was to train a bit more and potentially race the Brooklyn Half this weekend. Let's just say I haven't set myself up for a fast race at this point.
And I am okay with that.
My 18 week training cycle for fall marathoning begins in June and I want to go in really WANTING it. Not burnt out at all. I am still averaging 30 mile weeks so I am base building. It is not that I am NOT running, I am just not doing the long run. I am taking body pump and running and taking a rest day so that I am set up for a strong training cycle. (although I know I need to ideally take away a running day and add in cross training...details details).
I think things will work better once I have a concrete goal staring me in the face. I went into the spring race season as a "for fun" venture. No pressure, no goals to PR. I knew where I was in the fall and that after time off I would be starting from less and was not going to surpass my fall fitness to PR in shorter distances right now. I can wing a half marathon with my level of fitness. It might not be the most awesome or speediest race but I know I can comfortably knock one out with where I am at now. We shall see if I surprise myself like I did at NYC but I just plan to go out an enjoy the run.
And hopefully gain some more inspiration for long runs along the way.
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