Last week was crazy busy as I worked a shortened week and headed off for a long weekend in Miami on Thursday afternoon. So kind of went MIA from the whole blog world.
So much is going on right now and I realized I was halfway into Week 2 of training and should probably get to it with recapping week 1 albeit brief!
So first things first. My goal is simple (hah if only!) shave 26 minutes off to sub 4 at the ING Hartford Marathon, October 12th.
This means intensity has spiked.
And that I got a COACH!!! Which will be deserving of its own post but seriously, she already is rocking my running world.
If you know me you know I by no means need any push or motivation to workout. In fact pretty sure I overdue it (acknowledging is the first step right?) so she has been a blessing.
Anyways. Lets review how week 1 shook out!
Monday - 5 miles with 4x30 hard in the middle - total time 44:46: Splits: 8:56, 9:07, 8:48, 8:59, 8:52
Tuesday - 3 miles - late work day and hit the treadmill for a steady pace 28:33: 9:31 miles
Wednesday - oh Wednesday. This is track day usually with my coach; but again with going away work threw me for a big loop and I was out of town for the day. I got home late and hit the treadmill of fun.
Called for 6x800 (4:10-4:15) with 2 mile w/u and cool down: w/u @ 9:51 800's: 4:10, 4:10, 4:15, 4:15, 4:10, 4:10 recovery 400's ~ 10:30/10:50 cool down ~10:10 (slowed to about 10:50 after last 800 then sped up to end the cool down closer to 10:00
All I have to say was hi to speed workout! And I was mentally beat I do not think I could have paced that out if not on the treadmill.
Thursday - cross train day and hit the elliptical for 45 minutes then did some weights and core work.
Friday - I was in Miami! Workout called for 6 miles with 4x1 minute striders at the end.
Yeah this didn't so much go as planned. Never wait until noon in June in Miami to run if not used to it. I wanted to die. I made it just over 5.5 before throwing in the towel with dehydration (perhaps the wine the night before played a part...) but this was pitiful:
Splits: 10:17, 9:55, 10:13, 10:08, 9:56, 10:00
Saturday - Rest day! And yes she is making me take rest day seriously. We did lots of walking and and biking but it was all leisurely.
Sunday - Trail Half Marathon. This will also deserve its own post but umm it was hard. Took more will and determination to finish than the 50K. Dead. Serious. Overall took a little over 3 hours.
And there we have it kids!!
One week of training down, 15 to go.
Summer running is definitely harder but hoping that pushing myself outside now translates to speed come fall.
Cannot imagine running at noon in Miami for 5 miles, let alone 1! I ran 5 miles at 8 AM in Miami last May and that was rooooough.