Why is my blog so boring in that all I have posted lately is training recaps?
I know this is thrilling stuff to read.
The best takeaway from this past week of training? My stomach has been SO MUCH BETTER! (I feel like I am jinxing it now).
I have started tracking again what I eat in an effort to get to a better racing weight (I was about 8 pounds lighter when running faster - I think there is a correlation). And want to know what happens when you write down what you eat? You make better choices! Oh the things that you learn. I don't like writing down french fries and seeing those wasted calories. Now I am not giving up my beers. Or burgers. Or really fries for that matter. But - I am having them on a way less regular basis. And my body is very much happier about it. Just working on a sustainable balance.
When I did the AdvoCare challenge, yes my eating was better but I think all those supplements messed with me and my stomach was still a mess. I will never be a supplement person. I don't totally believe in them. But now things are good, let's hope that continues!
And so here we have the week of training:
Monday - 4.25 miles in 40 minutes - hmm nothing spectacular about this one.
Tuesday - rinse and repeat of Monday same time same mileage - another 4.25 down.
Wednesday - Cross Training day - 30 mins on the elliptical and 60 on the AMT. Yawn. Insert boredom.
Thursday - 8.7 miles - DOUBLE DAY! Legs were feeling sucktastic in the morning so I did an "easy" 2 miles (9:30 pace that had me panting like I had never run before) followed up by a fun evening workout - 60 minutes or 6.7 miles of Fartleks! (and will NEVER not laugh/smile when I say that word). It's amazing. In the morning my legs felt absolutely TRASHED then at night they were fantastic. Funny how that works. Non structured speed work. I would just ramp up for the chorus of each song. It was fun and quick!
Friday - REST DAY. O to the M to the G did my legs need this. This was a rest day 10 days in the making. Better planning on the rest days needed on my end.
Saturday - 3.25 miles - 29 mins just sub 9 min pace. TRYING TO GET SPEEDY. It will happen. Eventually. I hope. Also threw in 20 mins of upper body and core. Planks allllll day. I totally neglected strength during the week. I had an Uplift class that I had to cancel because of work. Stupid job.
Sunday - 11 crappier than crappy miles + 60 mins on the Arc because my legs felt tight. And I wanted ice cream and was trying to distract myself (because ice cream + my stomach is a recipe for disaster). Want to know how to make sure you want to vomit and/or pass out throughout your long run? Spend the entire day prior in the sun day drinking. It will ensure that running for 2 hours is THE MOST FUN YOU HAVE ALL WEEKEND. Or something like that.
Total miles: 31.45 miles - Booyah!
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