Sunday, September 15, 2013

How a Saturday Should Be...

Today was a little bit of perfection. 

First, I slept in. I turned off all alarms and my behind was in bed by 10. I woke up at 6 but after a little bit made myself stay in bed and try and sleep. The next time I woke it was after 9 and that was glorious. And needed. 

Then, there were pancakes. Specifically, pumpkin pancakes. Heaven. Fall is in the air! 

I then got my butt in gear. 

Headed into the city, made a quick stop at the office (okay maybe not part of a PERFECT Saturday but details...) 

Then went to the gym where I did 45 mins of cross training, lifted for 20 or so then threw on a short run which was added per my coach to up my mileage even more this week before 18 tomorrow. 

Please note this was easy and I was moving pretty quick considering I've run a crap ton already this week. 

This was then followed up by an amazing sports massage: aka my human foam roller. There was nothing relaxing about it as she worked me. But it was needed. And will happen weekly. 

All rounded out by a little shopping extravaganza before heading back to Hoboken. 

At which time I promptly put myself in bed for dinner and a movie. 

And now am off to sleep as I prepare for 18 miles tomorrow. I am less anxious about this long run than I have been in a long time. I've been stressing about them hard core through this training cycle but am just taking tomorrow nice and slow. 

But all in all. THIS is how weekends should go! It is about time that I implemented this kind of weekend behavior more often. 

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