Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hartford Marathon Training Week 6

I have about 4 posts that I have started on other things going on in my life at the moment but unable to complete because of lack of time to sincerely focus on them. 

So in the meantime before the week is over a brief recap of last week!

Monday: Cross train 75 minutes (60 elliptical/15 bike) + 25 minute total body lifting circuit - cross training really does reinforce just how much I prefer running. This felt like agony at times.

Tuesday: 7 Miles with 10 x 30 hard into run + Core - this run went really well - I warmed up at 9:30 then paced around 9:00 - "hard intervals" were run at 7:30/7:45 and then finished off around 8:45 pace.

Wednesday: Speedwork day: Hill repeats - warmed up with the Fleet Feet fun run that my coach hosts and by the time we hit hills I was at 4 miles...idea was 5 800 up hill 800 recover - I managed 3 x 800 (4:27, 4:20, 4:05) and 1 x 400 (2:03) my glute was killing me and I felt it wasn't worth it to do it - then cooled down with 2.5 miles for 10 miles total. Love midweek mileage. Don't love random butt pains that I can't figure out how to stretch. 

Thursday: 4 easy miles + lifting - I was told to cross train if I felt in a lot of pain and I honestly couldn't stand the thought of it: 4 miles:  9:35, 9:17, 8:55, 8:38 + 25 minute circuit without any lower body work. Still feeling twinges of pain. How does one stretch the butt right damnit?

Friday: REST and how how I reveled in this rest day!

Saturday: Long Run - 12 garmin less miles of ecstasy. And by ecstasy I mean I am just happy I didn't have the Garmin to stress. Probably around 2 hours total.

Sunday: 5 miles with mile 3 in 8:30: 9:35, 9:05, 8:20, 8:45, 9:22 - this run felt tough. And I still have a shit ton of problems figuring out how to pace 8:30ish and below. I just go out too fast start to die and have to reign it in. I will learn. I hope.

Overall, when I look at it a good week of training. But in general I am having some tough weeks mentally. My head and heart are not in the same place right now. Probably due to personal life and work like being so.damn.busy. I am having oodles of self doubt as I have mentioned and I just need to figure it out.

More on that later. 

For now...holy shit balls another week down!